There’s no doubt about it, smoothies offer a quick, easy, and deliciously healthy way to boost energy, detoxify, promote glowing skin, feel fit, get trim, and just help you look and feel your best! They also serve as instant, nutritious “fast food” for those times when you know you just can’t stop for a sit-down meal.
Smoothie Basics
The Base. Whether you’re making a fruit or a green smoothie, consider your base. While you can use water, why not add an extra layer of deliciousness by using freshly brewed teas such as refreshing Peppermint, caffeine-free Rooibos, or energizing Green Tea?
The Body. If you prefer a hearty texture to your smoothies, ice or frozen fruit will do the trick. Ah, but a tablespoon of whole Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds will not only thicken the blend but adds extra heart-healthy Omega-3s, protein, and beneficial fiber!
The Flavor. Punch up the flavor of any fruit or green smoothie with a pinch of sweet Cinnamon or metabolism-boosting Cayenne.
But why stop there?

Top 10 Herbs for Smoothies
Supercharge your smoothies with therapeutic herbs and herbal extracts! Add 1 tablespoon or less of any one of the following high-performance herb powders or 10-15 drops of the liquid herbal extract for maximum vitality:
- Ashwagandha…Stimulant-free support for energy, stress, and stamina.
- Beet Root…Boosts athletic performance and endurance.
- Ginger…Gets your circulation going and helps to soothe sore, stiff joints (add to post-workout smoothies).
- Ginseng…Tonic root boosts energy and lowers stress (ideal for super hectic days).
- Irish Moss (a.k.a. Sea Moss)…Nutrient-packed seaweed adds multiple vitamins, minerals, trace minerals.
- Maca…Any variety of the Peruvian superfood lifts low libido and boosts stamina and vitality.
- Moringa…Ayurvedic superfood provides bone-strengthening calcium, immune-supporting vitamins A & C, plus a host of other critical nutrients.
- Rose Hips…Especially great for fruit smoothies, Rose Hips add a tangy fruit taste plus an extra boost of immune-boosting vitamin C.
- Spirulina…High protein, detoxifying superfood squashes cravings and boosts stamina (best for green smoothies).
- Turmeric…The super antioxidant spice adds a vibrant golden color and precious nutrients for joint, liver, and digestive support.

Fellow blogger Luis Lemongrass shared his morning smoothie fortified with Turmeric, Cinnamon, and filling Oatmeal.
Turmeric Power Smoothie
(Makes 1 cup)
- 1 cup Cashew milk
- 2 tsp Turmeric powder
- 2 tsp ground Cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp Almond extract
- 1/4 cup Oatmeal
- 1 tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 ripened banana
Blend all ingredients together until it’s creamy and smooth.
These are just a few of our favorites smoothie additions, but understand there’s a whole world of beneficial herbs out there just waiting for you to discover.
But can you also use herbs to make stronger libations? But of course. Stay tuned for the next blog….
Be careful about adding raw greens such as spinach etc.
Please research the affects of digesting uncooked greens,etc.
This information is very helpful
Happy to share.
Thank you so much for the information
You are very welcome.
Made an “available sources” version of this smoothie.
Always looking for a little something different and
I dont think that my variation took too much away.
Instead of: I used:
Cashew milk Almond milk
Almond extract Vanilla
I also had a nice amount of Kale and some honey. I felt rejuvenated as I drank…Thank you
Ooh that does sound deee-lish. Thanks for sharing.
Nice information.
Thanks so much.